Harmony School's FIRST Graduation

Do you remember that feeling of walking across the stage, receiving your diploma, and waving goodbye to your high school years? For some, it may not have been that long ago, while for others, it may feel like a distant memory. Either way, most people look back on their high school graduation with fondness as it symbolizes the end of one chapter and the beginning of an exciting new one.

For most reading this blog, graduating high school was never a question; you just knew that one day you would finish secondary school and transition into post-secondary education or a career. This is not the case for youth in Zambia. While some areas of Zambia have fairly high primary education rates, there are still many disparities related to location and gender. For youth in Chipata Compound or Garneton Compound, where our two schools are located, the chance to graduate from high school is a rare privilege. Because of that, finishing high school was only a dream for most of our students, making this moment even more monumental for them and their families.

 This year, Lifesong Harmony School celebrated its first ever grade 12 graduation along with Lifesong Garneton, which has had graduates for several years now. Between the two schools, 42 students had the chance to walk across the stage and we couldn’t help but feel a whole lot of pride and joy well up inside us as we witnessed the moment. 

For these students, graduation doesn’t just symbolize the end and beginning of important chapters in their lives. It also is a reminder of God’s grace, providing them the opportunity to receive an education and a chance to achieve their dreams.

An emotional moment for one of the graduating students

 We would also be remiss to not thank you, our supporter. Whether you contribute financially, spend time in prayer for the students, or volunteer in another capacity, this would not be possible without the many who walk with us in caring for the vulnerable in Zambia.

Ashley Nitz