July News

Benjamin Franklin said, “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”

At Lifesong, we have always found it important to make education an enjoyable experience where our students take ownership for their learning and feel involved in the process. One way we do this is by taking them on education tours. These field trips are integrated into our curriculum so that students can engage in experiential learning and visit new places they otherwise would not have the opportunity of seeing.

Recently at Harmony School, these trips have included:

  • Pre-school classes going to Mokolo Game Park and learning about animals

  • Grade 5 visiting the Zambian National Broadcasting Cooperation where they learned about transport and communication

  • Grade 6 going to a museum where they learned about Zambian history

  • Grade 7 visiting court where they learned about the legal system.

School isn’t all fun and games though, and our learners have been busy writing their end of term exams before their school break, which happens between August 5 – September 5.

July also brought visitors!

Our Garneton School was thankful to have Mission Reagan Medical team visit during the last week of July. They assisted with dental related cases at the school and also offered their services to staff and community members. Below are pictures of the team setting up in one of our classrooms and community members waiting at the gate to receive medical attention.

The labour staff at Harmony School has been busy working on a new building, which will be used for assemblies, big events, and additional office space for our growing staff. We are thankful for their hard work and we already know this building will be put to great use once it is complete.

Thank you for supporting the work we are doing in Zambia!

Ashley Nitz